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Macadamia benefits, conquer disease

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Macadamia is a seed that is rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, minerals and many vitamins, including unsaturated fats. And polyphenol compounds. It is believed that macadamia may have various health benefits. Such as reducing bad cholesterol (LDL Cholesterol), ยูฟ่าเบท fighting bacteria and preventing colon cancer.


Macadamia nuts are often dried as a snack or used as an ingredient in various desserts such as cakes, cookies or ice cream. 100 grams of dried macadamia nuts provide up to 718 calories and contain many beneficial nutrients. Many people therefore like to eat macadamia nuts. Because they believe that in addition to the delicious taste that they add to food, macadamia nuts may also be beneficial to the body, maintain health and treat or prevent certain diseases.

Currently, there is some scientific evidence and proof that mentions the benefits of macadamia nuts as follows:

Helps reduce the level of bad fat in the blood. 

If the body has a high level of bad fat in the blood. It may be dangerous to health and may cause coronary artery disease. Macadamia has a lot of unsaturated fat. Therefore, it is believed that eating macadamia may be beneficial to health. It also helps control and reduce the level of bad fat in the blood.


Bacteria are one of the major causes of various infectious diseases and conditions. Macadamia contains many compounds that have health benefits. So it is thought that these compounds may be the reason why macadamia has antibacterial properties.

Prevent Colon Cancer  

Colon cancer is one of the top five cancers that kill Thai people the most. This disease often causes abnormalities in the digestive system and may be caused by eating certain foods, such as foods that are low in fiber. Many people take care of their health by choosing to eat nutritious foods that are high in fiber, such as macadamia. Some research has found that macadamia may be effective in preventing colon cancer as well.

How to consume macadamia nuts safely?

For most people, consuming macadamia in food form may not cause any harm. If you want to consume it to reduce your cholesterol, you should consume it in the same amount as in the research, which is 40-90 grams/day. However, this amount may cause your body to receive high calories from fat. In addition, there is currently no research that clearly confirms the safety of consuming large amounts of macadamia. Therefore, consumers should eat macadamia with caution or consult a doctor to plan a macadamia intake that is appropriate for their health, especially those who are overweight, have underlying diseases, or are in the following risk groups:

  • Pregnancy or breast-feeding: Pregnant or breast-feeding women may safely consume macadamia nuts in food form, but it should be consumed in moderation and avoided in large quantities for medicinal purposes. No studies have clearly confirmed the safety of macadamia nuts for newborns or unborn babies.
  • Food allergies:  Although macadamia allergies are rare, consumers should be cautious and if they experience any unusual symptoms after eating macadamia, such as a rash, swollen eyes, or wheezing, they should see a doctor immediately.