Benefits of “mung beans” reduce cholesterol – nourish the heart

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Benefits of “mung beans” reduce cholesterol – nourish the heart

Mung beans are easy to find, cheap, and have more benefits than you think. Both help reduce cholesterol, nourish the heart, and more.

When you think of “green beans,” what does everyone think of? Some people may think of a simple dessert menu. Like lightly boiling sweet green beans. Some people may think of green beans. That was planted to get bean sprouts, but in fact, green beans. That many people overlook have good benefits for the body that Sanook Health would like to recommend to try. Report from ยูฟ่าเบท

Nutritional value of green beans

100 grams of mung beans have the following nutritional values:

  • 24 grams of protein 
  • 6 grams of sugar
  • Dietary fiber 16.3 grams 
  • Iron 
  • Polyphenolic substances 
  • carotene


Green beans and their health benefits

reduce cholesterol

Mung beans contain fats that are good for the body. which helps in reducing blood cholesterol levels According to research conducted on rats, rats that ate mix with konjac There is a decrease in fat and bad cholesterol levels. Including a significant increase in good fat. Therefore may good option to help reduce bad cholesterol levels in the body.

Mung beans may also help prevent non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. It comes from the results of an experiment on rats that ate. They had a lower risk of liver fat than rats who ate soy for 4 weeks straight.

But all of them were experimental in mice. and some experiments use shells to extract or mix mung beans with other plants Therefore, further long-term studies with larger groups should be awaited.

Reduce the risk of dangerous heart diseases

Some research indicates that mung beans may help prevent myocardial infarction. It may also help reduce the risk of heart tissue damage. One study on rats found that polyphenols extracted from significantly strengthened heart tissue. It also helps prevent heart tissue from being damaged. This is a factor that can lead to myocardial infarction.

But because there are still no results from human trials. Therefore, additional information from other research should be followed in the future.

Eating mung beans for good health means eating the right amount, about 1 handful per day. Avoid cooking with sugar. Or if you like to eat boiled in sugar, tao suan, bean paste, chapped balls, or mung bean juice. should be consumed in limited quantities to avoid eating too much sugar